Work Health and Safety

Each employee, and employer have a range of responsibilities under the Work Health and Safety rules.


Each employee, and employer have a range of responsibilities under the Work Health and Safety rules.

Employers particularly have the primary duty to take care of the health and safety of their workers by providing a safe work environment. This also include eliminating or minimising safety risks as far as possible.

Workers also have a duty to look out for their own health and safety, make sure their actions (or omissions) do not affect the health and safety of others. Employees are also required to comply with any WHS instructions from the employer and co-operate with any WHS policies and procedures.

Breaches of WHS rules and regulations can result in regulatory action taken by the relevant regulator, which can expose the business, and employees to significant penalties and prosecution.


What we do and how we can help:

Adiem has considerable experience in assisting businesses meet the requirements of state and federal WHS laws to achieve a safe working environment. This has included drafting appropriate polices and procedures and protocols following an incident, responding to requests from regulators following an incident, and defending WHS prosecutions by the regulators.